
Abinet Gebremickael Weredekal Gashaw Girma Seyoum Sisay Manna Desalegn Ajema Simeon Meskele Simeon Meskele


Introduction: Assessment of the size of the female pelvis is an important obstetric practice to identify mothers at risk of cephalopelvic disproportion. Due to the problem of accessing radiological instruments to carry out pelvimetry in health centers of resource-limited countries, clinical pelvimetry remains a routine practice. The present study was aimed at assessing the prediction capability of intertuberous diameter, anterior interspinal diameter, and bi-trochanteric diameters on the pelvic inlet and mid-pelvis diameters as an alternative method to estimate different birth canal parameters.

Subjects and Methods: Institution-based retrospective cross-sectional study design was conducted on randomly selected 423 abdominopelvic computed tomography images of reproductive-age women who visited Sodo Christian hospital from September 2018 to November 2020. Pelvic diameters were measured on a 3D workstation using multiplanar reconstruction and volume rendering images. Pearson’s correlation, partial correlation, and multivariate regression analysis were done for assessing the relationship between the variables by using STATA 16.

Results: The present study demonstrated that the intertuberous diameter (ITD) is a significant predictor of obstetric conjugate diameter (OCD), the transverse diameter of the pelvic inlet (TDI), and interspinous diameter (ISD). A millimeter increase in ITD is associated with 0.552 mm, 0.558 mm, and 0.74 mm increase in OCD, TDI, and ISD, respectively. The TDI is the only lesser pelvis diameter significantly predicted by the anterior interspinal diameter (AISD). A millimeter increase in AISD is associated with a 0.229 mm increase in TDI. Jointly the ITD and AISD were shown to predict 81% of TDI. The bi-trochanteric diameter (BTD) was found statistically insignificant predictor of OCD, TDI, and ISD.

Conclusion: As to the present study, the ITD is a potential predictor of the pelvic inlet and mid pelvic diameters. Besides, only the TDI could be estimated from AISD, whereas the BTD could not estimate any of the birth canal parameters.




Bi-trochanters, Intertuberous diameter, Mid-pelvis, Pelvic inlet, Pelvimetry

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